Thursday, June 6, 2013

APPB: Boat Project- An Inside Look at Constructing the ODYSSEA

Hot glue gun
2 rolls of duct tape
an assortment of cardboard
a box cutter
a meter stick


1. We recycled cardboard, collecting it over a period of time. We used more sturdy cardboard as the base and more flexible cardboard as the walls.
2. Potential problems included a weak base that would cave under our weight, the displacement of water would cause capsizing, the boat being too heavy, and water seeping in the crevices of the tape. To combat these problems we added several layers of our strongest cardboard to form our base, we made sure the sides of the boat were reasonably high, increased the mass to distribute the weight better, and taped extensively to prevent leakage.
3. Due to the weakening of the cardboard when it is in contact with water, we were unfortunately not able to test our boat as often as we wanted.

We used an old, huge 50’’ TV box as our base, cutting it in half to layer up and strengthen the foundation. We glued halves together and taped any holes or openings. Afterwards we covered the whole structure with duct tape to prevent internal water damage. We also lined the crevices inside with duct tape to ensure little to no leakage.
Construction of the boat base
Cutting of the base/cardboard pieces

Measuring the height/width of the base

Taped corner/side of the boat
After the first test run, the cardboard weakened and the base’s middle caved in a little. To strengthen our base, we used thicker cardboard (2 slabs) to resurface and reinforce our base. Then we cut out a template: (see below)

to serve as our walls, which we determined was initially too short, and we also added more cardboard to the back. We also created a “water shield” in the front which is just a 6’’ piece of cardboard that is connected at an angle to prevent water from splashing into the boat. We also added a support system because the sides of our boat was jutting outwards so we put into place two foot rectangular pieces of cardboard at a diagonal to the walls and the base and taped it securely to keep the walls erect.
An internal look at the boat

4 oars
Another factor of our boat are the OARS that will propel us to the other side of the pool. We bought 4 toy sand rakes and duct taped the open ends covering all tips and area of the rake. With a covered area where water will not seep to the other side, we duct tape would push the boat and us across the pool.

may we present you the ODYSSEA



Wednesday, January 16, 2013

APPB: 2L Rocket Eggmission- The Catastrophe

Blog On: On your blog you need to have the following elements

PART 1: QFT- Rocket Science- How can this project answer one of your questions?
Top 3 Questions
1. How do I build the rocket? I built the rocket using about 2 1/2 soda bottles, strapping tape, clear tape, cardboard, and hot glue [external]. For the protection of the egg I used packaging peanuts, clay, and bubble wrap[internal].
 2. What's the ideal design for a non tumbling rocket? Even though our rocket has not had a smooth ride during launches, the ideal design is a rocket with stable and sturdy fins with smaller fins that help guide/streamline the air towards the bigger fins.
3. How do fins help the rocket fly? Fins help the rocket fly by adding stability- guiding the air by the bottle to push the rocket straight.
---> The project answered the first question by catapulting us to actually start figuring out the designs when drawing out the diagrams and the relentless re-buildings of the rocket. After we'd build one, we'd go outside and throw it around to see if its flight was okay. This was not the most accurate way of testing it, but it allowed us to actually think of designs and shapes of parts to make "The Catastrophe." For example, our first fin design was a parallelogram shape, but it just seemed too bulky and square to glide through the air. Therefore, we took it old-school and used the curvy fin shape to help guide the rocket's flight:

PART 2: Making of Your Rocket- Do a feature on making your rocket include pictures, diagrams, materials, and how did you make it?

  • Materials used (not listed): spray paint,washable kid's paint, paintbrushes

The Process (step-by-step):
1)  Gather your materials--- put thin strips of strapping tape going around the circumference of the bottles which will help keep constant pressure within the bottle

2) Keep one bottle idle and DO NOT CUT THAT BOTTLE! For the other bottle, you cut about 3/4 of the bottle and set the "butt" section of that bottle to the side, do not throw it away- you will use it later for the egg holder.

3) Cut another bottle's bottom off and about 5-8 inches of the midsection to use as a shaft to keep the egg holder in place. and cut the nozzle section off of the 3rd bottle

4) Bottle #2's nozzle should fit within one of the cut bottom sections where nozzle #3 fits within the cut bottom section like so:

5) Place the cut midsection on to the idle bottle's bottom section, then place #2's bottom section in the make-shift shaft

6) Stuff clay into the bottom section areas and nozzle sections to add more weight to the front of the rocket. Then add about a handful and a half of packaging peanuts to bottle #2's nozzle. And add packaging peanuts to the cut section to insulate nozzle #3 which will act as the cover.

7) Use Elmer's glue to glue bubble wrap to nozzle #3's insides and on the cutout bottom section  within the makeshift shaft.

8) Create a template of a roundish rocket shape for fins on thick cardboard- or if you have thin cardboard, cut out to copies of it to make the it thicker. Then, layer/place clear tape over the fins to create a protective layer over the weak cardboard.

9) TAPE EVERYTHING together now!... Unless you are putting in an egg, so add the egg and then tape the two parts together.. and the fins

10) Paint your rocket if needed...
It should look like the picture above... except that the one above does not have the top nozzles covering the egg holder

PART 3: Physics of the Rocket
In the beginning, before it flies- the rocket is held in by friction because the holdy thing creates friction with the nozzle to keep the rocket from flying away as the pressure if being pumped into it. While the pressure is being pumped into the  rocket, there is potential energy developing from the 80psi and 720mL of pressurized water which will become the fuel for "The Catastrophe." The higher pressure molecules within the water chamber escape out to the lower pressure external environment which causes the upward push to fly.
While the rocket is in flight, Newton's 3rd Law is in works because gases are so pressured that they need to escape out of the nozzle (as explained earlier before). Since the gases escape out the nozzle, the push force makes the rocket move in the opposite direction. As its in flight, there is kinetic energy in the works because the rocket is in movement and thus has energy moving through the air.
We designed it by making the front part more aerodynamic in flight by preserving the nozzle shape and not using the bottom section as the top. The curved fins were used because of the round shape that prove to be more aerodynamic due to the roundness the makes the air curve around the object. Its round shape keeps the rocket from flying against air resistance, making a smoother flight.
Credits: Hop Nguyen

PART 4: Protecting the Egg
My rocket protects the egg by extending the time of impact to reduce the force having the extended nozzle system protecting the top part. The packaging peanuts were used to have the force dispersed into smaller areas to reduce the force in a whole. I thought the packaging peanuts would absorb the force with the material used to make the peanuts.
Changing the degree from 45 to 38 (37.5), we lowered its likeliness of landing straight down on its nose which would just crush the egg. Decreasing the amount of degrees allows the rocket to have a more horizontal landing which causes it to ultimately land with a sliding motion instead of a thud.

PART 5: Result Time

The Catastrophe flew 49 meters and the egg broke because of the fin's instability. At the test launch we tested at 37.5 degrees, but on the actual launch date, we launched at 38 degrees. On the test launch of  January 13th- we tried 700mL and 725mL--- on the actual launch date we used 720mL because that actually balanced the weight at the front of the rocket. Our rocket failed at protecting the egg, but it went 30m. The rocket failed because the wings were falling off in flight and they weren't taped on correctly/securely because we were in a haste to launch.

PART 6: What did you learn?
I learned that we should weigh the rocket someway to balance the weight across the rocket evenly. Also, there should be a better material to be used for the fins so they don't fall off nor bend. Because of our trials and tribulations of rocket-building, we learned to take our time when preparing everything. The ultimate downfall of "The Catastrophe" was because we were in a rush to launch and get everything done that we did not think twice to check if the tape/fins were secure enough for the flight. We, mostly I, learned that we should do things to learn it and correctly- not just do it to get it over with... (i.e. the failure of the fins).

Monday, December 17, 2012

APPB: QFT: Rocket Science

Top 3 Questions
1. How do I build the rocket?
2. What's the ideal design for a non tumbling rocket?
3. How do fins help the rocket fly?

What do you plan on using these questions for?
1. I would use this to guide me into the directions of researching aerodynamic materials and simple designs that would help the rocket fly.
2. I would use this to draw a blueprint of some sort that would make the rocket not tumble. So, we'd probably draw up different blueprints and test them with different things on them (fin design, weights, tip shape).
3. I would use this question to  guide me in researching rocket fins that help it fly a farther distance (parallelogram shapes, triangular, claw-shape).

Reflect on the process of questioning. How did it go?
The process of questioning helped me take a step into researching and thinking about how this rocket will be built. I have not built a rocket before, so this questioning helped me go into more detail about designs, fin shapes, and weight distribution that would effect the rocket's flight.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

APPB: QFT: Thermal Energy

1. List your group's top 3 questions as chosen in class.
 a. What causes thermal energy?
 b. What factors effect thermal energy?
 c. What is thermal energy?

2. Write a short description of how you would like those questions to be used in class? (direct my videos? start a lab?)
a.  I think this question would be best answered in a lecture format because its more open. The causes could start an explanation of why it causes thermal energy and just one small answer wouldn't suffice in providing enough information.
b. I think this would be good in lab or video use. The lab could show exactly WHAT effects thermal energy and we could see at first hand the factors instead of being told what they were. The video usage of this question would also work because we get to see some sort of visual of what effects thermal energy.... so I think visuals just help the understanding of factors....
c. I think this would work in lecture form because the question in more open which would provoke discussion in the class. Like there could be different explanations of thermal energy that would make sense to different people which in a whole helps explain it to other people.... Does that make sense? Like the broad discussion of what it is would help me understand the specifics of thermal energy.

3. Reflect on the whole process.  Meaning, you should describe what the process of coming up with and refining your questions was like. Easy? Hard? Interesting? Do you think it will be easier next time?
 -->The process in a whole what quite easy because formulating a question about something don't know just naturally provokes question-asking just to find out what I want to know. I don't know if it will be easier next time because it depends on the topic and question given. The thermal energy one was quite easy because I kind of knew what thermal energy was from chemistry.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

AP Physics: Spaghetti Tower[UPDATED]

Mr. Zook
Per. 02
Blueprint with accountant's report

Our Spaghetti Tower
Group Evaluation Worksheet Analysis

1. First Picture Shown: Blueprint with accountant's report

2. $500 budget. We spent $240 on 24 spaghettis and $240 on 24cm of tape. We used 4cm of tape, then switched over all our unused, 20cm of tape, to trade for 20 marshmallows.

*****UPDATE: $500 budget. We spent $250 on 25 spaghetti and $190 on 19 marshmallows with no tape used. The grand total was $440 with $60 leftover.

   3. Spaghetti Tower: 66cm
*****UPDATE: 80cm

   4. We had to tweak our design a bit to account for the weight of the triangle bases. Our original design, shown on the left, was not strong enough so we twisted the design. I like how it has an interesting look to it and that the intertwining spaghettis support each other. What I don't like is that the triangle bases were not similar in size and caused the tower to later collapse.

   5. The biggest challenge was connecting all the pieces together without the structure falling/breaking. We overcame the challenge by switching to marshmallows, but then the marshmallows became all ripped up with all the spaghetti's poking through it.

   6. I would probably redesign with a supporting structure at the bottom to keep the tower staying up.

Self Evaluation Worksheet

   1.  I felt really nervous and apprehensive doing this activity. I didn't want to give up because I had a little tiny bit of hope that the tower would stay up because triangles are quite strong and sturdy.

   2. Our sketch was quite similar to another group in the class, in that both of us utilized triangles in our structure, but since we twisted the design, it did not really resemble any other towers.

   3. I would probably add fatter marshmallows because that could probably withhold the weight and stabbing of the several spaghettis.

   4. I helped design and build the spaghetti tower.

More Building/Construction Pictures: 

Our Project is still in progress&working on getting the tower to 80cm, also we are thinking of doing a new design---we will try to get the permit approved and stuff during class on like Wednesday or Thursday.

UPDATE: We finally reached the 80cm!
Our UPDATED Spaghetti Tower (9/6/12)
UPDATED blueprint&fiscal report