Tuesday, September 4, 2012

AP Physics: Spaghetti Tower[UPDATED]

Mr. Zook
Per. 02
Blueprint with accountant's report

Our Spaghetti Tower
Group Evaluation Worksheet Analysis

1. First Picture Shown: Blueprint with accountant's report

2. $500 budget. We spent $240 on 24 spaghettis and $240 on 24cm of tape. We used 4cm of tape, then switched over all our unused, 20cm of tape, to trade for 20 marshmallows.

*****UPDATE: $500 budget. We spent $250 on 25 spaghetti and $190 on 19 marshmallows with no tape used. The grand total was $440 with $60 leftover.

   3. Spaghetti Tower: 66cm
*****UPDATE: 80cm

   4. We had to tweak our design a bit to account for the weight of the triangle bases. Our original design, shown on the left, was not strong enough so we twisted the design. I like how it has an interesting look to it and that the intertwining spaghettis support each other. What I don't like is that the triangle bases were not similar in size and caused the tower to later collapse.

   5. The biggest challenge was connecting all the pieces together without the structure falling/breaking. We overcame the challenge by switching to marshmallows, but then the marshmallows became all ripped up with all the spaghetti's poking through it.

   6. I would probably redesign with a supporting structure at the bottom to keep the tower staying up.

Self Evaluation Worksheet

   1.  I felt really nervous and apprehensive doing this activity. I didn't want to give up because I had a little tiny bit of hope that the tower would stay up because triangles are quite strong and sturdy.

   2. Our sketch was quite similar to another group in the class, in that both of us utilized triangles in our structure, but since we twisted the design, it did not really resemble any other towers.

   3. I would probably add fatter marshmallows because that could probably withhold the weight and stabbing of the several spaghettis.

   4. I helped design and build the spaghetti tower.

More Building/Construction Pictures: 

Our Project is still in progress&working on getting the tower to 80cm, also we are thinking of doing a new design---we will try to get the permit approved and stuff during class on like Wednesday or Thursday.

UPDATE: We finally reached the 80cm!
Our UPDATED Spaghetti Tower (9/6/12)
UPDATED blueprint&fiscal report